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We believe that everyone deserves a second chance and seek to use our lived experience to show people ALL extremism is wrong.
Assisting people involved and families with a loved one involved,
we make sure no one feels alone and help people to rebuild a good life away from the influence of hate and extremism.

About Us
Set up in 2016, Exit Hate was initially a simple community group called Exit UK, but today we operate as a charity (1197666) registered in England and Wales, using the working name - Exit Hate Trust.
Providing non-judgemental support from a lived experience perspective, our staff team is made up of people who care, including Former Extreme Right-Wing (ERW) activists, family members who have had a loved one involved and dedicated professionals who assist people to walk away from the impact of extremism i.e., individuals involved or families with a loved one involved.
Seeking to support people in need, we believe no one should be alone and offer No Judgment - Just Support from a lived experience perspective.
While our focus is on Extreme Right-Wing extremism, we do support people involved in other forms of extremism, as we believe ALL extremism is wrong and will always help people who ask, as we want to break the cycle of hate, reduce ALL extremism and stop people getting hurt.
Promoting various ways to get support, we would always recommend people speak to ACT Early or Prevent.
If you are an individual or family that needs support we would always recommend that you reach out to ACT Early in the first instance, all you have to do is visit - https://actearly.uk If you are a professional, you should always talk to your local Prevent contact. Simply search your town or city and Prevent, this will then help you find your local Prevent contact details.
Offering a different form of support, we support people from a lived experience perspective. We engage in many ways, including Initial 121 mentoring, online support and via an assortment of educational material.
Operating with people making self-referrals, everyone who wants support can contact us and everything is in complete confidence. Full details and conditions are listed on our Support Request Form.
If you like what we do and would like to help yourself, watch the video below and then get in touch with us at - info@exithate.org and let us know how you can help.
Everyone is welcome.